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전체 1035건 (1 / 69)
번호 제목 첨부파일 조회수
1035 The “successful” return: Caribbean narratives of migration 286
1034 Border enforcement and return migration by documented and undocumented Mexicans 339
1033 Going back home? Changing demography and geography of Mexican return migration 299
1032 Gendered selectivity: U.S. Mexican immigrants and Mexican nonmigrants, 1960–2000 285
1031 Going back to Pakistan for education? The interplay of return mobilities, education, and transnational living 312
1030 Transnational disorders: Returned migrants at Oaxaca’s psychiatric hospital 292
1029 Remittances, savings and return migration under uncertainty 304
1028 Migration, remittances and household strategies 302
1027 Theorising return migration: The conceptual approach to return migrants revisited 330
1026 Emigration, return and development in Cape Verde: The impact of crossing borders. Population 306
1025 Adjustment of status, remittances, and return: Some observations on 21st century migration processes 313
1024 Return migration to Mexico: Does health matter? 328
1023 Labor migration and ties of relatedness: Diasporic houses and investments in memory in a rural Philippine village 313
1022 보편적 어펙트 연구 비판과 젠더․어펙트 연구-방법론과 지적 원천에 대한 논쟁을 중심으로- 321
1021 성폭력 부정주의의 정동적 힘과 대안적 정동 생성의 '쓰기' 374