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신돈의 영산신씨 가계와 가족들

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The Yeongsan Shin clan is a family that began to advance to the central government in the middle of the Goryeo Dynasty period and enhanced its social status rapidly in the 13~14th centuries. The status of the family enhanced at that time led to the contents of marriage connections. The family made marriage relations with the Seongju Lee family, which was the highest pedigree at that time over two generations and based on the marriage relations, the Yeongsan Shin clan expanded the range to other high pedigrees such as the Hanyang Han clan and the Sunheung Ahn clan. Furthermore, the Yeongsan Shin clan made marriage relations with the Shinchon Gang clan, which was one of powerful families at that time. The most important background of the ability to form the splendid marriage connections in a short period of time is thought to be the abilities equipped by individual members of the family above all.
According to the 『Yeongsan Shin clan genealogy』, Yeongsan Shin clan produced a total of nine successful applicants of state examinations in the Goryeo Dynasty period. Given that Yeongsan Shin clan was a newly rising family that advanced to the central government only in the middle of Goryeo Dynasty period, it can be regarded to be a considerable scale. Of course, among the nine applicants, the passes of only four applicants are identified in the official history. Even then, the fact that it was an outcome accomplished in a short period of nine to 12 generations can be said to be an evidence indicating that the Yeongsan Shin clan greatly distinguished it self as a newly rising family at that time. Furthermore, that fact that two of the applicants passed even the state examinations of the Yüan Dynasty. The production of multiple successful applicants in a short period of time can be said to be the most important background for the family to have distinguished itself in the central government in a short period of time and formed splendid marriage connections.
‘내선결혼’한 일본인 여성의 조선 이주와 가족생활 : 일제시기의 경험을 중심으로
『시인 기질』에 나타난 연극과 가족