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냉전 아시아적 질서와 1950년대 한국의 여성혐오

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This article intend to analyze the relations between the cold war order and the mysogyny in 1950`s South Korea. After the liberation from Japan, South Korea was placed in cold war system in East Asia. This system was the basic design of nation building process. And It still remains as powerful as before. With the Cold War, hostile masculinity spread through 1950`s South Korean society. After the liberation from Japanese imperialism and the Korean War, Korean society had a divine goal to recover the castrated masculinity of the Joseon colonial period. The interpellation of hegemonic masculinity was to rebuild a nation by militarized masculinity. In this environment, to become a soldier meant being a proper citizen. Therefore, women automatically became second-class citizens. During this period, mysogyny became the main subject of `purification` of South Korea Society. It was said that women were too unreliable and fragile to trust. They thought women could easily turn into communists. And It was also said that The Western Princesses and the Freedome Wives violated public morals. But at the same time, the military sexual slavery by Japan was rarely mentioned. It shows that the South Korea thought they were the prostitutes and did not care about their safe returns. Therefore, they were made invisible and their presence was remained silence. This is the patriotic indifference of 1950`s South Korea. The South Korea goverment was also run the camp town for US soldiers and national army. The military sexual slavery by Japan was only making trouble between Japan and South Korea, who were the same line in the cold war order. So the women were forgotten during the cold war period. This is the ultimate mysogyny in South Korean modern history.
과학주의 시대 - 여성혐오라는 정동
한국 근대 여성사 연구의 변화 추이와 전망