This paper explores how did role the Family Rites(Chu-tzu Chia-li) as explained by Chu Hsi(1130-1200) in Chosun society. This book was a product of Confucian doctrines in Song China, and first introduced to Korea at close of the Korea dynasty. It characterized proper relationships between high and low, father and son, old and young and created a kind of rigidity to all levels of society. This discriminating order emphasizes the status and authority of the household head system on the basis of the male lineage. The system of society based on such a unit is called the Chongbeop system. These ethical values served as a moral criterion and established the basis for the legitimacy of a ruling order. Particularly scholar-bureaucrats, or literati obeyed the ceremonies of coming of age, marriage, funeral, and ancestor memorial from early Chosun period.
These ideals were clearly laid down from Kyonggukdaejeon, national code to Sokdaejeon, supplement to national code including other regulations. Through official patronage this dogma came eventually to dominate every aspect of life in Korea. But, this system gradually began to break down in later Chosun society where social and economic developments were made, and forced to allow a modern judicial institutes.